Pasay City South High School's Revived Investiture Ceremony Inspires New Girl Scouts

By: Ms. Sharon Joie M. Notario

The Girl Scout movement is making a comeback as Pasay City South High School hosts its first Investiture Ceremony in years, welcoming a new group of eager young girls into its prestigious ranks. With a new focus on giving young women more power, the school takes this chance to remind its students of the Girl Scouts’ rich past and core values.

Under the careful supervision of GSP Titas and Troop Leaders Bona B. Bernales, Judy Ann B. Ortega, and Arvie Sanchez, the day starts at 7:00 a.m. with registration. This is the start of an event that will have a lasting effect. The official program starts when important people like Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino, the principal of the school, GSP Advisers, Troop Leaders, SPTA Officers, and both Senior and Cadet Scouts appear. The GSP Seniors and Cadets proudly show off the bright colors, which creates a feeling of pride and unity in the air.

Cadette Scout Rachelyn Castillote leads a heartfelt GSP prayer. Then, under the direction of Cadette Scout Mary Rose Gamalo, the girls sing the national song and the Pasay Hymn with beautiful voices. There is a lot of pride and excitement in the air, setting the stage for important events to come.

The GSP Coordinator, Ms. Jennifer S. Quidato, greets everyone with a speech that is full of excitement and anticipation. Mrs. Emilia Tolentino, the director of the school, gives an inspiring speech at the Investiture Ceremony. She talks about the importance of the Girl Scout movement and how it can change the lives of young women.

Mrs. Wendelyn L. Luder, a dedicated GSP Troop Leader, talks to a group of girls ages 12–15 and 16–21 about the Girl Scouts’ beliefs and asks them to promise to follow the GSP Promise and Law. This means that the investiture has begun. A touching candle ritual shows how strongly the girls believe in the Girl Scouts’ core values.

The girls take part in the Donning of Neckerchiefs and Pinning of Pins, which are important customs. These symbolic actions show that they are now officially part of the Girl Scout Movement. They are also physical memories of how much they want to make a difference in their communities. Their eyes shine with happiness as they proudly wear Brownie pins, traditional Girl Scout pins, or modern Girl Scout pins on their outfits. Each pin represents their unique journey and unwavering commitment.

As the ceremony is coming to an end, Mrs. Amelita B. Dechoso, a well-known speaker, gives the new Girl Scouts a challenge. This gives them a boost of inspiration and inspires them to become leaders and change-makers. Principal Emilia Tolentino ends the ceremony with an exciting speech about how she wants to set up a Night Camp on the school grounds to give Girl Scouts a feeling of adventure and friendship.

The Investiture Ceremony is back at Pasay City South High School, which shows that the school is committed to giving young women the power and tools they need to reach their full leadership potential. By bringing back these time-honored traditions and teaching the Girl Scout movement’s ideals, the school is raising a generation of responsible, caring, and involved people who are ready to make a positive difference in their communities and the world.

The Investiture Ceremony is a powerful reminder of the Girl Scouts’ long-lasting history as an organization that has been giving young women a voice for more than 100 years. It gives girls a great chance to learn, grow, and make friends that will last a lifetime. It teaches them to be honest, loyal, kind, and responsible. As Pasay City South High School hits this important milestone, it reaffirms its commitment to guiding its students toward a purposeful and meaningful future by giving them the skills and values they need to do well in their personal lives and help their communities.