GENDER SENSITIVITY TRAINING FOR SSG OFFICERS, SSG ADVISERS, GAD FOCAL PERSONS AND PRINCIPALS 2021 GENDER SENSITIVITY TRAINING FOR SSG OFFICERS, SSG ADVISERS, GAD FOCAL PERSONS AND PRINCIPALS 2021 By: Mrs. Ginalyn M. Allen A virtual Gender and Sensitivity Training was held last August 11, 2021 via zoom through the initiative of Gems Heart Outreach Devt. Inc, ASMAE Philippines and AFD with partnership to Pasay City South High School. The Supreme Student Government Officers of Pasay City South High School together with their Advisers, Mrs Ginalyn M. Allen and Mrs. Ma. Fatima A. Roja, Gender and Development Focal person Mrs Salvacion S. Prado and Assistant Principal, Dr. Mark Anthony F. Familaran attended the said event together with the representatives of two other high schools in Pasay, namely Kalayaan National High School and Pasay City East High School. The very timely Gender Sensitivity Training was facilitated by the Gems Heart’s Ms. Patty. Ms. Lehn of ASMAE served as the Speaker. She taught the officers about the basic concepts and differences of sex and gender and the concepts about the sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). The training also had a pre and post test that determined the learning of their participants. Officers of different school had an active participation and used the chatbox to voiceout their opinions and takeons on the training. Gems Heart Outreach Devt. Inc was kind enough and gave a communication allowance worth P200 via Gcash to all the partcipants. Such training was part of the study towards a more inclusive model on GBV: Factors and Consequences on the Prevalence of and Risk to Gender-Based Violence among Filipino High School Students. Glimpse of what had transpired during the Gender Sensitivity Training 2021. Mrs. Ginalyn M. Allen (upper left photo) as she introduced the partcipants from Pasay City South High School. Ms. Lehn (upper middle photo) of ASMAE as she delivred her talk. Dr. Mark Anthony F. Familaran (lower left photo) as he delivered his semi welcome remarks and Ms. Patty (lower middle photo) served as the facilitator of the webinar.
PCSHS HELD IT’S 6TH MOVING UP CEREMONY PCSHS HELD IT’S 6TH MOVING UP CEREMONY By: Mrs. Ginalyn M. Allen July 16, 2021 marked an unforgetable event to 644 completers of Pasay City South High School. Amidst pandemic, the 338 Boys and 307 Girls succesfully finished their Junior High School studies through blended online and modular learning. Such ceremony is under Dep Ed Order No. 027 s. 2021 dated May 24, 2021. The theme for this year’s Completion Rites and Graduation Ceremonies is “Kalidad ng Edukasyon Lalong Patatagin sa Gitna ng Pandemya.” It highlights that amid all the challenges, the learner’s rights to inclusive and quality education and the safety from the health risk of COVID-19 must be given priority. The ceremenony was aired virtually via facebook live and garnered 11K views. Joshua Matthew R. Cayaban and Fritzel L. Elumba both Second Honors welcomed everyone. The presentation of candidates and the attestation of satisfactory completion of requirements for moving up was done by Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino, Principal IV and Mrs. Loreta V. Torrecampo, CESO V and Schools Division Suprerintendent of SDO Pasay confirmed their completion. The advisers of 15 sections proudly called the names of their students as pictures of them was showned on the screen. Zappy Leoj A. Lopez, First Honors delivered his words of gratitude. DepEd Secretary, Leonor Magtolis Briones, Hon. Congressman Antonino Calixto and Hon. Mayor Emi Calixto-Rubiano also graced the celebration virtually and expressed their congratulations to the students and their parents. Mrs. Cristina C. Amoyo, English Teacher III gracefully hosted the said event. The program will not be possible without the help and guidance of the our Principal, Asst. Principal, Grade 10 Coordinators, JHS Dept. Heads and the Technical Working Committees. You could still watch the Moving Up Ceremonies at PCSHS 6TH MOVING UP CEREMONY ATTENDEES (Upper Left) Hon. Mayor Emi Calixto Rubiano (Upper Right) Mrs. Loreta V. Torrecampo SDS SDO-Pasay (Middle Left) Hon. Congressman Antonino Calixto, (Middle Photo) DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones, (Middle Right) Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino, Principal IV (Lower Photos) Fritzel Elumba, Second Honors, Zappy Leoj Lopez, First Honors, Joshua Matthew Cayaban, Second Honors and Mrs. Cristina Amoyo (Master of Ceremonies)
School Initiated Webinar on Google Classroom for Distance Learning and the Use of Google Drive as a Cloud Sharing Platform
School Initiated Webinar on Google Classroom for Distance Learning and the Use of Google Drive as a Cloud Sharing Platform Previous Next School Initiated Webinar on Google Classroom for Distance Learning and the Use of Google Drive as a Cloud Sharing Platform (August 19, 2020) By: Emmily A. Saez Highlighting the importance to deliver quality education despite the challenges of the “new normal” for the School Year 2020-2021, SDO-Pasay crafted Learning Continuity Plan with the mantra “Kapit Kamay Tuloy ang Edukasyon sa Pasay!” Guided by the Division Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) of SDO Pasay which encapsulates the response and need to continue the education of the learners amidst the COVID 19 pandemic, our school principal Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino presented her school Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) where strategies for possible difficulties in the future will be addressed immediately. One important feature of the School Learning Continuity Plan is the different learning modalities and online platforms. To ensure that the teachers are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge about this flexible learning modalities, the webinar on Google Classroom for Distance Learning and the Use of Google Drive as a Cloud Sharing Platform was conducted. The invited speakers discussed the topics assigned to them extensively. Mr. Raymond S. San Juan, Cluster 8 Public Schools District Supervisor, discussed the Importance of ICT in Education under the new normal. He explained the reasons why technology should be considered essential such as, students demand technology and are constantly inclined to lifestyle that is interactive, new teachers are also demanding it due to their professional tasks and duties, kids are digitally native and can learn at their own pace. Computers, tablets, and other forms of technology bring multiple resources for the teacher that’s not in the book, he added. He also stressed that technology has made itself part of every aspect of our lives today, and the students who understand it are the ones who succeed in the business world. He also said that the best teachers of the 21st century are the ones that can equip students for the direction the future is taking. The second speaker, Mr. Eric D. Comia, IT Officer of SDO Pasay, discussed the features of google classroom and step by step allowed the participants to do hands-on activity by providing the necessary directions or instructions. He explained how a google classroom is created and the process of inviting students to join the class. He also discussed how a teacher can provide the students assignments, answer worksheets, access the learning material provided by the teachers. He further discussed how a teacher can provide these learning materials to students using this online platform. Mr. Edivin Kevin D. Abella , our last speaker , discussed how the teachers can utilize google drive as a storage of the different learning materials that we might need in new way of the learning delivery. He cleared the dark clouds on questions about the use of google drive. He said that Google Drive is a cloud-based storage solution that allows one to save files online and access them anywhere from any smartphone, tablet, or computer. He also added that teachers can use Drive on their computer or mobile device to securely upload files and edit them online. Drive also makes it easy for others to edit and collaborate on files.
BRIGADA ESKWELA IN THE NEW NORMAL BRIGADA ESKWELA IN THE NEW NORMAL By: Emmily A. Saez A call to action for “ Bayanihan sa Paaralan” amid COVID 19 situation is a battle cry set by the Department of Education for this year’s Brigada Eskwela 2020. Brigada Eskwela will deviate from the usual activities in the previous years, instead it will prioritize preparations and strengthening partnership engagement to ensure that quality education will continue despite the challenges posed by the pandemic that has wreaked havoc not only in the country but the entire world. Relative to the COVID-19 outbreak, the office of the President has issued Proclamation #922 s. 2020 declaring a state of public health emergency all throughout the Philippines. The Executive Secretary has also released a memo entitled “ Enhanced Community Quarantine” ( ECQ ) over the entire Luzon and further guidelines for the management of the CORONA Virus. Pasay City South High School with the leadership of the dynamic principal, Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino has initiated the implementation of the new normal in this year’s Brigada Eskwela 2020 together with the collaborative efforts of the Brigada Coordinator and Technical Working Committee. Kicking off on July 11, 2020 Pasay City South High School set off its first virtual launch with the theme “ Pagpapanatili ng Bayanihan Tungo sa Kalidad na Edukasyon para sa Kabataan” with no other than the SDS Loreta B. Torrecampo delivering her message and inspiring the teachers to adjust to the new framework. Due to pandemic the activities for Brigada Eskwela were reconfigured to cope up with the challenges posed by COVID 19. As early as March, the Brigada Eskwela working Committee was already organized but due to the threat of pandemic, Brigada Activities was freeze. It was on June 1 that DepEd revised the guidelines and came up with BE and OBE initiatives to assist with the preparation of the upcoming school year, it was then that the technical working group was formed through a virtual meeting and pushed through with the plan of actions. During the preparation; letter of invitations was drafted then possible partners are identified after. To further promote and scout for stakeholders, infomercial through social media were prepared; meeting and consultations with stakeholders and partners were intensified. Uploading promotional and advocacy campaigns on social media platforms were posted. All throughout the duration of the campaign an overwhelming result were achieved. Stakeholders who expressed willingness the initiative were requested to donate thermal scanners, hand sanitizing equipment, face masks, face shields, disinfecting chemicals, personal protective equipment, and other materials needed to alleviate the threat of the virus. Stakeholders pledged to sustain the needs of the school in terms of health and safety, quality education, access to learning governance and partnership in the new normal in basic education through collaboration and involvement as part of their corporate social responsibility and in the spirit of Bayanihan and volunteerism to improve the learner’s academic performance. In this trying time, we converge as one in realizing the vision and mission of the Department of Education. We are one in transpiring the dream of every learner.
BRIGADA ESKWELA 2020 STAKEHOLDERS CONVERGENCE BRIGADA ESKWELA 2020 STAKEHOLDERS CONVERGENCE Emmily A. Saez Pasay City South High School under the leadership its dynamic school principal, Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino continuously put its effort to provide needed support to its teaching and nonteaching staff, parents and learners in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic. The school does not only provide essential health materials with the help of its countless generous partners and stakeholders, but also provide both social and mental health awareness programs. This is made possible through the school’s collaboration with the Bayanihan Doctors. Last July 24, a webinar on mental and social awareness was conducted by the Bayanihan Doctors during the Stakeholders Convergence. This was attended and participated by the PCSHS Teachers, Parents and students. They discussed the spectrum of Depressive Disorders. They also elaborate about Mental First Aid and what to do when they encounter patients presenting with signs and symptoms of Depression. Most importantly, they emphasized the role of Mental Health during this crisis and beyond. They were joined by Dr. Aimee Rose Tan-Estacio, A Neurologist-Psychiatrist. Hosted by our very own, Dr. Karl Ablola and Dr. Celine Fider.