The Girls in Green, Igniting Their Dreams: The GSP Overnight Camp Sparks Adventure and Empowerment March 31 – April 1 By: Ms. Sharon Joie M. Notario Pasay City South High School is buzzing with enthusiasm and camaraderie as it hosts the Girl Scout Council-wide overnight camping event with the theme “The Girls in Green, Igniting their Dreams.” Designed to give young women the opportunity to participate in outdoor activities and gain new skills, this unforgettable experience is leaving an enduring impression on all participants. The event begins with registration and the eager ladies settling in. The opening program, conducted by Kalayaan National High School and participated in by schools from the Pasay division, is a demonstration of charm and zeal. Each school performs its own cheer, nurturing a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition among the participants. Following the program, GSP Troop Leaders Ms. Jennifer S. Quidato and Mrs. Wendelyn Luder conduct an orientation session. The girls are briefed on the camp’s regulations, objectives, and the significance of teamwork and cooperation during this crucial meeting. The leaders emphasize camping dos and don’ts to prepare the ladies for the upcoming adventure. Ms. Olivet Nepomuceno, a specialist in outdoor skills, appears in the camp development segment. She instructs the girls on how to set up tents for camping and provides them with essential advice for a fruitful camping experience. The participants learn how to set up tents, secure them, and organize their camping equipment, equipping them with the skills necessary for outdoor living. As dusk descends, the girls gather for supper, their excited chatter filling the air. During the Campfire Activities, when each patrol group performs its own unique shouts and chants, the atmosphere becomes even livelier, as their talents and creativity are displayed. The girls sing GSP songs around a bonfire, further strengthening their sense of unity and pride in their shared voyage. The first day ends with the tapping, signifying the conclusion of an exciting day. The second day of camping begins at 5:00 AM with Ms. Roselizaly Villamer and Ms. Arvie Sanchez leading the girls in Scouts Own, a reflective and motivational ceremony. This special ceremony provides the girls with a spiritual experience centered on the Girl Scout principles and program, encouraging introspection and personal development. The girls and troop leaders engage in a Physical Fitness routine after Scouts Own, energizing their bodies and setting the stage for an active day. After the camp activities, a nourishing breakfast is served to replenish the campers’ energy. The activities, which are divided into six different challenges, seek to develop essential skills and foster teamwork. Challenge 1 concentrates on Knot Tying Fundamentals, in which the girls learn how to tie various knots and their practical applications. The second challenge, titled Basic Bag Packing, provides valuable insight into the art of packing proficiently for camping. Challenge 3: Basic First Aid (Bandaging) teaches the girls essential first aid skills, such as bandaging and treating minor wounds. Challenge 4 focuses on the Girl Scout Flag Ceremony, instructing the girls on the appropriate behavior and respect required during flag ceremonies. Challenge 5, the Obstacle Course, evaluates their physical and mental strength and emphasizes the value of teamwork. The sixth and final challenge, Cook-out, requires the ladies to demonstrate their culinary creativity by preparing a meal with the provided ingredients. After completing the camp activities successfully, the ladies enjoy a well-deserved lunch before packing up their camping gear. Mrs. Elma Amongol delivers motivational concluding remarks, emphasizing the transformative power of the camp experience, as the closing program begins. Throughout the event, participants are recognized for their active participation and notable accomplishments. The program concludes with a moving performance of the Girl Scout Hymn and the lowering of the Philippine flag. This flag represents the conclusion of this remarkable voyage. The council-wide Girl Scout camping event is a tremendous triumph, leaving an indelible mark on all participants. It exemplifies the Girl Scouts’ dedication to empowering young women, nurturing leadership, and initiating positive change. By igniting these girls’ aspirations and providing them with invaluable skills and enduring memories, the camp sets them on the path to a brighter and more meaningful future. As the campfire flickers and dies, the girls return home prepared to embrace their potential, make a difference in their communities, and continue their extraordinary voyage of growth and empowerment.

PAF holds CAMPUS PEACE DEVELOPMENT ROOM-TO-ROOM CAMPAIGN at PCSHS by: May Ann D. Romano Previous Next To intensify the plans and objectives of the government in improving the lives of the communities for public purpose is one of the primary aims of Philippine Air Force as it conducts the Campus Peace Development Room-To-Room Campaign at Pasay City South High School. Last November 25 and December 9, 2022, rolled out their advocacy in supporting the Executive Order No.70 on “Institutionalizing the Whole-of-Nation Approach to End Local Communist Armed Conflict and Directing the Adoption of a National Peace Framework”. One of the core themes discussed during the campaign is the topic on National Task Force to End Local Communist Conflict against Communist Party of the Philippines – New People’s Army – National Democratic Front (CPP – NPA – NDF). Sharing his valuable knowledge, TSG Jeffrey S. Ramos of PAF CMO NCOIC, 720th Special Operations Camp served as the resource speaker in providing in – depth information to the Southenian students as part of the youth contributing to the nation building towards peace. Here are the testimonials from STEM students which proved that the campaign is an eye opener to its audience: “We have learned a lot from the air force officers. They gave us knowledge about the CPP – NPA – NDF. How to avoid being recruited or associated with these people. They also gave us insights on how to become a brave member of our Philippine Air Force, their training, and their capabilities. They encourage us to become a part of their troop because, aside from high salary, we can serve our nation, to protect and maintain the peace and order in our country.” said Celso III Barredo, Grade 12 student Stefanie Hanna Jornales, also a Grade 12 student pointed out that “We are grateful to our Air Force Officers for giving us knowledge and awareness from CPP, NPA, and NDF. They reminded us that some people might encourage us to join in their movement against our government. I learned that as a student, I must focus more on studying that will benefit me in achieving my dreams rather than joining organizations that don’t have a future.” More than a thousand students of SHS – PCSHS participated and engaged in the said campaign who gained ample knowledge on the scope of the E.O No 70.

RCY RECONNECT at PCSHS: A Training on Youth Volunteer Orientation Course
RCY RECONNECT at PCSHS: A Training on Youth Volunteer Orientation Course by: May Ann D. Romano RCY adviser Previous Next Last November 26, 2022 commenced its first Red Cross Youth school – based physical training since pandemic. The Senior Red Cross Youth of Pasay City South High School Council composed of 50 students from different grade levels are enjoined in the module training and teambuilding that capacitated them in the Youth Volunteer Orientation Course. Started with the opening program graced by Mrs. Ma. Elma V. Amongol, Head Teacher VI of JHS Science Department as she delivered her heartwarming message in behalf of the ever – supportive school head, Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino, the RCY members got energized, inspired and prepared their selves for the whole day training. Previous Next For the morning session, the RCY members were equipped with loaded but comprehensive knowledge on the History of the Movement, Seven Fundamental Principles, International Humanitarian Law, Legal Basis of Red Cross Youth and Red Cross Services guided by the Leader Instructor of Red Cross Youth Pasay Ms. Mary Joy Sunday B. Orocio who expertly discussed the topics. Previous Next Under the supervision of Mrs. Eden V. Rivera, RCY coordinator and RCY advisers, Mr. June J. Palomino and Ms. May Ann D. Romano, the teambuilding was conducted right in the afternoon in order for the RCY members to strengthen their camaraderie and teamwork. Assisted by the Youth Moderator Mr. Anjello John G. Arguelles, the participants were skilled in team games which were conceptually connected to the aims of the Red Cross Youth. The RCY members have shown eagerness and intense excitement as they performed every task. Previous Next Winners were announced and applauded by their greatness during the teambuilding: Game 1 & 2 won by Group 2, Yell and Game 4 by Group 4, and Game 3 by Group 1. All of the members received their e – certificates of participation upon completion of the evaluation. Here are some of the member’s testimonials which served as proof in the success and further improvements of the training: “They did well and we enjoy our team building”, “I love it”, “The organization of the game” “Having Ice breaker and team building is fun, I hope we often do this because it’s not just playing games, the activities help us build the skills needed in a game and allow us to interact and know each other” “New Experiences”, I enjoy the teambuilding so much, saying lang po di nagawa yun ibang activity hehe” The training program with a theme “RCY Reconnect” ended achieving its primary goal to gain knowledge and be skilled in the Youth Volunteer Orientation Course as in its Red Cross tag line “Always First, Always Ready, Always There!”.

CAREER GUIDANCE PROGRAM: Career Coaching for Senior High School
CAREER GUIDANCE PROGRAM: Career Coaching for Senior High School by: May Ann D. Romano Grade 12 SHS Guidance Advocate Previous Next With the primary intention of guiding the graduating Senior High School in their future career, the office of the SHS Guidance of Pasay City South High School in partnership with the Department of Labor and Employment – NCR – Pasay – Makati Field Offices, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and Public Employment Service Office (PESO – Pasay) conducted its Career Coaching last November 22, 2022 at PCSHS Gymnasium. Catering more than hundreds of Grade 12 students to participate in the key direction of successful careers. Supported by the school administrators headed by Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino, School Principal IV and Dr. Mark Anthony F. Familaran, Assistant Principal II – SHS, the seminar added new knowledge backgrounds to its participants and served as mind opener for career trends and opportunities. Previous Next Ms. Ma. Allen Rose T. Carreon of the Technical Support Services Division, Employment Promotion and Workers Welfare Division exemplified ideas on the labor market in the New Normal and coping with New Normal and Recovery of economic and labor market landscape. The audience were engaged as she readily asked career questions relevant to her topic. Previous Next Ms. Medoline Tariman of the DOLE Pasay – Makati Field Office, Labor and Employment Officer briefly discussed the career and employment coaching followed by the PESO – Pasay Senior Labor and Employment Assistant, Ms. Editha O. Felipe on her talk about the PESO Youth Employment Program. Students were encouraged to make future plans for their career as Ms. Felipe motivated them to participate as beneficiaries in the Government Internship Program (GIP) to be paid with daily wages for their work. The Special Program for the Employment of Students (SPES) which aims to help poor but deserving high school/college students and out – of – school youth in pursuing their education by encouraging them to be employed under the provision of RA 10917 “An Act Strengthening and Expanding the Coverage of the Special Program for Employment of Students” amending RA 9547 and 7323 which also pays a wage rate prescribed by the Department of Budget and Management depending on the income class of the Local Government Units and capability of the private employers were also discussed. Students hired under SPES will work for a minimum of 20 days to a maximum of three (3) months. The seminar spearheaded by Mrs. Mekisa A. Abuan, SHS Guidance Coordinator together with Mrs. Bona B. Bernales and Ms. May Ann Romano as G11 and G12 SHS Guidance Advocates and under the supervision of Grade 12 advisers ended with its main goal of coaching the Grade 12 students on the new trends and opportunities of their target careers as in the tagline “Follow your guide, Tag a Career, Like a Future”.

National Achievement Test for Grade 12
National Achievement Test for Grade 12 National Achievement Test for Grade 12 by: Jingle Go Department of Education Memorandum No. 001 s. of 2023 (3) states that National Achievement Test for Grade 12 is one of the exit assessments under the national assessment framework of the K to 12 Basic Education Program. It is designed to determine if graduating learners are meeting the learning standards in the senior high school (SHS) curriculum. It aims to provide valuable information on the quality of basic education in the country and give students an opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of key competencies and knowledge in various subjects. Department of Education set the administration of NATG 12 for the school year 2022-2023 on January 30 and 31, 2023. All currently enrolled grade 12 learners both in public and the private schools will take the test through a paper-based modality. Division Level SDO Pasay issued Division Memo No. 59, s.2023, and conducted the Orientation for the Administration of NAT for Grade 12 on January 23, 2023, at 10:00 AM at Jose Rizal Elementary School Hall. School Heads and School Testing Coordinators of the city’s 29 participating public and private schools attended the said briefing. Each school is requested to prepare a list of room supervisors and room examinees for their room assignment. School Level Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino, Principal IV, school head of Pasay City South High School called for a meeting on January 25, 2023, 9:30-11:30 AM at the HE Laboratory Room for the Administration of NAT for Grade 12 Briefing of Room Supervisors and Room Examiners assigned in the following schools: Kalayaan National High School – Room Supervisor 3, Room Examiner 23 Manila Tytana Colleges – Room Supervisor 1, Room Examiner 13 The discussants were Mrs. Tolentino, the school Principal, and Mrs. Jingle E. Go, the School Guidance counselor. The assigned Room Supervisors and Room Examiners conscientiously reported and successfully conducted the test on the first and second days of the National Achievement Test. Nobody was reported late or absent in reporting to the assigned schools. Set guidelines before, during, and after the test were strictly followed. Chief Examiners of the assigned schools were grateful for the rendered service of the RS and REs. NATG 12 is not only for assessment of the curriculum and learners but also used as one of the criteria for admission to higher education institutions, especially for scholarships and grants. This makes the test an important tool for helping students to transform smoothly for further education to attain employment in the future. Pasay City South High School Grade 12 Examinees A total of 479 Grade 12 examinees took the NATG 12 on January 30 – 31, 2022. There were 570 males and 507 females from the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Accountancy and Business Management (ABM), and Technological, Vocational, and Livelihood (TVL) – Home Economics (HE) Electrical Installation Maintenance (EIM) and Information and Communication Strand (ICT) Strands. In preparation, the Senior High School Subject Group Heads and Faculty conducted a rigid review for NATG 12 as early as the first week of January. Examinees were briefed on the conduct of the test and trained on how to accomplish the Answer Sheets by using a replica The school also conducted a mock test to familiarize the examinees with the test and their designated rooms as well. Examinees came prepared on the actual examination days. The school gave them a hearty breakfast and provided lead pencils to use during the test. They behaved well and accordingly hence no untoward incidents were reported by the examiners. NAT 12 SCHOOL ORIENTATION HEADED BY MRS. EMILIA L. TOLENTINO, PRINCIPAL TOGETHER WITH MRS. JINGLE E. GO, SCHOOL TESTING COORDINATOR, HE ROOM, JANUARY 25,2023. ROOM EXAMINERS AND ROOM SUPERVISORS FROM OTHER SCHOOL WITH SIR MARK ANTHONY F. FAMILARAN, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL, GIVING BRIEF INSTRUCTION BEFORE THE START OF THE EXAM.

SCHOOL- BASED FEEDING PROGRAM in PASAY CITY SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL S.Y 2022-2023 SCHOOL- BASED FEEDING PROGRAM inPASAY CITY SOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS.Y 2022-2023 by: Divina P. Ilisan The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Learner Sup-port Services-School Health Division (BLSS-SHD), maintains its commitment to provide good nutrition to learners amidst the COVID- 19 Pandemic. As such, it shall continue the implementation of the School-Based Feeding Pro-gram (SBFP) to address hunger and encourage learners to enroll, contribute to the improvement of their nutritional status, provide nourishment for their growth and development, help boost their immune system, and enhance and improve their health and nutrition values. Pasay City South High School rec-ognizes the importance of good nutrition for the improvement of academic performance of learners. It is considered to be a sound investment in educa-tion as it is associated with increased enrolment, improved attendance, better performance, decreased repetition, and decreased dropout. Hence, DepEd im-plemented a School-Based Feeding Program (SBFP) that will cater to a tar-geted severely wasted learner. The SBFP aims to provide hot meals to learners following developed standard-ized recipes. By following the menu, the beneficiaries are assured of additional calories per day to address their nutritional deficiencies. Food preparation is handled by the Home Economics teacher carefully planned and cooked. The feeding program is also utilized as an avenue for the development of health and nutrition, values and behavior among the children.During the start of the school year, the school nurse together with the class advisers, exerted their effort in taking the height and weight of the students in order to carefully identify the nutritional status and to address the needs of every learner most specially the wasted and severely wasted. Previous Next After the weighing process the parents of the identified beneficiaries will be given a letter notifying them and asking for their approval that their child will undergo a feeding program. The Home Economics department caters the feed-ing and has a total feeding beneficiary of 61 students, 7 students from grade- 7, grade 8 – (9), grade 9- (7), grade 10- (3), grade 11 – (15) and grade 12 – (10). The 35% monthly share from school- managed canteen and teachers’ cooper-ative-managed canteen is use to support the daily expenses for ingredients and other needed supplies.The school -based feeding program for the school year 2022-2023 was launched last November 23, 2022 with our dear school principal Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino, assistant principal Dr. Mark Anthony F. Familaran, department heads, grade level coordinators, H.E teachers and the student beneficiaries. SCHOOL LAUNCHING PROGRAM Previous Next The menu was carefully planned to ensure a nutritious and delicious food to be serve everyday for the student beneficiaries. The one month menu cycle was planned based on FNRI Food and Nutrition Research Institute guide-lines. The school nurse and the school head regularly checked the food of the student’s beneficiaries to make sure that the food being served is well prepared. Previous Next 1-month cycle menu planning by the feeding teacher Ms. Jean Llego & Mrs. Divina Ilisan Preparation of food as evaluated by the school nurse. Previous Next The students were also taught the technique for proper handwashing and the importance of washing the hands before and after eating. As a way of adhering to the WASH Program of the Department of Education as one of the best practices around the world to enhance hygiene and sanitation practice as a key to effective health management and learning. Previous Next The food served every day to the students were carefully planned and prepared. The feeding beneficiaries will undergo weighing every month to monitor their weight progress.The following are sample menus served daily during school days. Previous Next Ginisang Petsay with Tokwa, Menudo, Kalderetang Baboy, Ginisang Togue, Ripe Pineapple

RCY RECONNECTS at PCSHS: A Training on Youth Volunteer Orientation Course
RCY RECONNECTS at PCSHS: A Training on Youth Volunteer Orientation Course RCY RECONNECTS at PCSHS: A Training on Youth Volunteer Orientation Course by: May Ann D. Romano Previous Next Last November 26, 2022, commenced its first Red Cross Youth school–based physical training since the pandemic. The Senior Red Cross Youth of Pasay City South High School Council composed of 50 students from different grade levels have enjoined in the module training and teambuilding that capacitated them in the Youth Volunteer Orientation Course. Started with the opening program graced by Mrs. Ma. Elma V. Amongol, Head Teacher VI of JHS Science Department as she delivered her heartwarming message on behalf of the ever–supportive school head, Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino, the RCY members got energized, inspired and prepared their selves for the whole day training. Previous Next For the morning session, the RCY members were equipped with loaded but comprehensive knowledge of the History of the Movement, Seven Fundamental Principles, International Humanitarian Law, the Legal Basis of Red Cross Youth and Red Cross Services guided by the Leader Instructor of Red Cross Youth Pasay Ms. Mary Joy Sunday B. Orocio who expertly discussed the topics. Previous Next Under the supervision of Mrs. Eden V. Rivera, RCY coordinator, and RCY advisers, Mr. June J. Palomino and Ms. May Ann D. Romano, the teambuilding was conducted right in the afternoon in order for the RCY members to strengthen their camaraderie and teamwork. Assisted by the Youth Moderator Mr. Anjello John G. Arguelles, the participants were skilled in team games that were conceptually connected to the aims of the Red Cross Youth. The RCY members have shown eagerness and intense excitement as they performed every task. Previous Next Winners were announced and applauded for their greatness during the teambuilding: Games 1 & 2 were won by Group 2, Yell and Game 4 by Group 4, and Game 3 by Group 1. All of the members received their e – certificates of participation upon completion of the evaluation. Here are some of the member’s testimonials which served as proof of the success and further improvements of the training: “They did well and we enjoy our team building”, “I love it”, “The organization of the game” “Having Ice breaker and team building is fun, I hope we often do this because it’s not just playing games, the activities help us build the skills needed in a game and allow us to interact and know each other” “New Experiences”, I enjoy the teambuilding so much, sayang lang po di nagawa yun ibang activity hehe” The training program with the theme “RCY Reconnects” ended up achieving its primary goal to gain knowledge and be skilled in the Youth Volunteer Orientation Course as in its Red Cross tag line “Always First, Always Ready, Always There!”.

PASAY CITY SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL STARTS FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES by: Magdalena P. Jerez THE Department of Education (DepEd) has announced that all public and private schools are mandated to hold face-to-face classes starting Nov. 2, 2022, as indicated in DepEd Order 34, Series of 2022 signed by Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte-Carpio. In view of this mandate, Pasay City South High School (PCSHS) has prepared itself for a transition from full distance learning last school year to blended learning; that is three days of in-person and two days distance learning from August 22 to October 21 covering the first quarter of this school year, and then to implement the five days of in-person classes starting November 2 onwards PCSHS under the leadership of its dynamic and brilliant principal, Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino has instructed all personnel, both teaching and nonteaching staff to prepare for the said implementation of the full face-to-face classes. The usual pre-pandemic health protocols as required by IATF and DOH shall be observed according to the good school head to avoid health problems in the future particularly among the students and teaching staff who are exposed daily to each other in the classroom. Students entering the school campus through the entrance gate Students sanitized their hands as they entered the school campus Hence, during the start of the implementation of the full face-to-face classes on November 2, 2022, all personnel synergized with the supervision of the school head to have a smooth commencement of the implementation the full face-to-face classes. The security guards with the assistance and supervision of assigned Department Heads and teachers manned the entrance gate to observe proper entry of the students. Proper distancing and proper wearing of face mask were checked, and students were reminded to observe these protocols all the time. Students disinfect their hands as they enter the school premises with a standby sanitizer posted at the entrance gate. Students sanitized their hands as they entered the school campus Students taking their test Classrooms were prepared as well in the full implementation of face-to-face classes. Chairs were arranged with distances from each other to avoid crowding among students. Alcohol dispensers are located outside the classrooms for students to disinfect their hands regularly. First aid kits are also found in each classroom for emergency cases that do not need medical consultations. Since classrooms are equipped with two doors (front and back doors), a one-way traffic (for entry and exit) has been implemented for the students to follow. Teachers constantly reminded their students to observe physical distancing thus, the students tried talking very closed to each other. The breaktime of students were scheduled differently from each year level to avoid crowding in the canteen. Signages for entrance and exit doors are visibly posted outside the school canteen which the students followed. The first day of the full in-person classes was monitored by the assigned PSDS, school head, assistant principal, and Department Heads to ensure that the new class program is implemented at the start of the full face-to-face classes. There were also challenges and issues encountered during the day but were addressed properly. There were some students who experienced dizziness, stomachache, and headache. They were given first aid by the school nurse and were asked to rest in the clinic while waiting to be fetched by their parents. Some students were observed to remove their face masks apparently because of discomfort, but they were consistently being reminded by the teachers to wear them back. The Monitoring Team: Mrs. Emilia Tolentino, PCSHS school head with the Department Heads presenting and discussing the new classroom program to PSDS Evelyn Ramos, the PSDS in-charge to monitor PCSHS in the implementation of the full in-person classes. Overall, the first day of the full face-to-face classes was assessed to have transpired smoothly and this may somehow be attributed to the usual practice the students had during the first quarter of this school year. The students were used to the health protocols that were imposed to them during the start of the school year2022-2023.

PBSP, TELSTRA & UPNismed Provides Scholarship Training to TVL-ICT Female Students
PBSP, TELSTRA & UPNismed Provides Scholarship Training to TVL-ICT Female Students PBSP, TELSTRA & UPNismed Provides Scholarship Training to TVL-ICT Female Students by: Efren D. Lopez II Previous Next Pasay City South High School led by Mrs. Emilia L. Tolentino, Principal IV, as supported by Assistant Principal II, Dr. Mark Anthony F. Familaran, the TVL –ICT Department and in partnership with PBSP, Telstra, and UPNismed, has successfully conducted a scholarship training with the theme “SKILL STACKS: Coding Program to Create a Mobile App to Help the Schools or Community”. Participants are twenty FEMALE students of the TVL-ICT Department, and the training consists of eight online learning sessions, held every Saturday from August 6, 2022, until September 24, 2022, at PCSHS Computer Lab 5 with the use of MIT App Inventor to develop an application. MIT App Inventor is an intuitive, visual programming environment that allows everyone, even children to build fully functional apps for smartphones and tablets. It is developed by a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) led by Professor Hal Abelson. Last October 8, 2022, after all the learning sessions, the twenty female students with the help of their mentors, presented their created application to Training Facilitators from UPNISMED, executive guest from Telstra Foundation Philippines, Philippine Business for Social Progress, Teacher Mentors and selected students and teachers from Pasay City South High School. Group 1 has created an app that automates the monitoring of students’ attendance in their school. They want to help their teachers lessen the time in marking students’ attendance. Group 2 developed an app that computes the user’s Body Mass Index (BMI). The App recommends actions that can help student users have BMIs that are within the healthy weight range. A quiz game app has also been developed by group 3 to help their fellow students review their past lessons. Group 5 has created an app for people who are commuting using tricycles. Even though the App is not yet complete, the group hopes that they would eventually develop a ride-hailing app so that tricycle drivers can earn more. Lastly, the app that was conferred the Best App Award is from Group 4, a Self-Learning Mobile App or SLMA. The App aims to provide a platform for students to test their knowledge, refer to their modules, visit links to educational videos, and email their teachers directly from the App. This is the first-time experience for the TVL-ICT Department to get this kind of program opportunity. We believe that this is the start of all the upcoming opportunities, and we are looking forward to another batch of scholarships at Pasay City South High School. We would like to thank the following: TFP Trustees Mr. Benj Romualdez, Cielo Narvaez, Craig Dunn, Yuri Gagarin, Jackie Coates, Don Nepomuceno, Beth Lui. PBSP Ms. Khairon-Niza Magundaca – Manager, PBSP Mr. Gerald Garcia – Senior Program Officer for Education and Health UPNISMED Trainers: Mr. John Alex M. Reyroso and Mr. Jobeth G. Martecio PCSHS Mentors Mr. Arnel almedora, Mr. Edivin Kevin abella, Mr Leonel espina and Mr. Efren Lopez II with our TVL Subject group head Mrs. Tar G. Gunayon.

ULAT NARATIBO SA OPLAN BALIK ESKUWELA 2022 Inihanda ni: AMY O. VILLANUEVA Previous Next Mga Paghahanda para sa Taong Panuruan 2022-2023 Ang Kagawaran ng Edukasyon ay nagpalabas ng School Calendar and Activities sa Taong Panuruan 2022-2023. Bilang pagtalima sa kautusan ng Kagawaran, ang Pasay City South High School ay nagsagawa ng mga sumusunod na gawain: A. Enrollment na sinimulang gawin noong Ika-25, 2022 at ito ay magtatapos hanggang Agosto 22, 2022. B. Brigada Eskuwela nakasalukuyang isinasagawa ang Kick-off na palatuntunan ngayong Agosto 10, 2022. Ang Kick off ng Brigada eskuwela ay inumpisahan ng isang parada na nilahukan ng mga namumuno ng Pasay City South High School, mga guro, mag-aaral, mga magulang, GPTA Officers at ilang mga stakeholders, katulad ng SMART at MERALCO. Dumalo rin ang mga namumuno sa Brgy. 183 na kinabibilangan ng Pasay City South High School. C. Oplan Balik Eskwela na sisimulan sa Agosto 15, 2022. Ang Pasay City South High School ay masusing pinaghahandaan ang pagbubukas muli ng paaralan sa Taong Panuruan 2022-2023. Dahil kaligtasan at kalusugan ng lahat ang prayoridad ng paaralan, inorganisa at inihanda ang lahat ng pasilidad dito para sa pagdating ng mga mag-aaral. Mula sa mga signages na may palatandaan hinggil sa usaping pangkalusugan at mga contract tracing forms para sap ag-iwas sab anta ng COVID-19. Naghanda rin ng isolation at Triaga Area kung saan maaaring manatili pansamantala at Health Desk na maaaring dumulog ang mga mag-aaral sakaling makaramdam ng mga sintomas. Mayroon ding mga waiting and holding areas upang mapanatili ang pagsunod sa health protocols at social distancing na lagging dapat pakatandaan ng lahat ng guro, kawani at mag-aaral ng paaralan sa pagbubukas ng klase. Sa loob naman ng mga silid-aralan ay maigi ring pinaghandaan at pinaganda mula sa mga classroom signages na may gabay kalusugan, mga upuan at mesa na may pangalan ng mga mag-aaral na nakatalaga para lamang sa bata. Naghanda rin ng mga Covid Essentials, foot baths at iba pang Health Kits na maaaring magamit upang mapanatili ang kalinisan at maging ligtas sa anumang sakit. Sa tulong naman ng DRRRM ay naihanda rin ang mga signages na magbibigay kaalaman sa mga kabataan para s amabilis na pagtugon sa mga di inaasahang sakuna gaya ng lindol, sunog at iba pa. Dahil dito, ang paaralan ay naghanda ng mga agarang solusyon gaya ng fire extinguisers at pagsunod sa tamang pasukan at labasan sa loob ng silid-aralan. Ang Pasay City South High School ay handang handa na sa pagbabalik ng mga kaguruan at mag-aaral sa pagbubukas ng klase.